Friday, October 26, 2007

Friday at Last!

What is it about Fridays that makes us all sigh in relief? The hope of a restful weekend and a new week ahead? The accomplishment of surviving another week of school, work, and life? Whatever the reason we are all glad we've made it to another weekend and the break from the routine of whatever else we have going on--hope you are looking forward to your weekend too!

Last Friday we were hunkered down crossing things off the to-do list and trying to get ready for the dreaded surgery....and today we celebrate the fact that surgery is over and things are looking better than we ever imagined a week ago. Friends have filled our house with the fragrance of flowers, cards have arrived in the mail, treats have been dropped on the porch, meals have been delivered, hair styled, good wishes left on the answering machine, kids delivered to their activities, prayers answered and hearts sustained through a week of uncertainty and worry-- We are blessed to have you all as family and friends and everyday we are reminded of how lucky we are to know you and have our lives touched by your acts of kindness.

And tomorrow the sun is supposed to shine and Ken has the kids lined up for a day of planting hope in the form of Tulip and Daffodil bulbs that I have every intention of watching bloom for many springs to come (minus of course the bulbs that we must share with our resident pet VOLE). I find it amazing how life continues to move forward in spite of all the things that make you want to just stop in your tracks and scream in frustration...somehow instead I find a 44D pink bra in the mail from a Jr. High friend with a note that says.. "there are easier ways to go about getting the chest you want!" and I find myself laughing instead of crying because of the ironies of life and friends that remind me of all the great things I have to smile about. So enjoy the sunshine, plant a bulb and send a card to someone that you've been thinking of--it really doesn't matter how simple or small the act of kindness is, it really does make the world a better place and I'm smiling today because of all the big and little things you've done to remind me that the world is still full of wonderful people.

Pathology report on the lymph nodes is still not back...but negative or positive we know we'll move through the next phase with your love and prayers carrying us through--You are the best!

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